We have added two suitable templates that you can use to carry out your own COSHH assessments.
Please check out our examples for various Acid and Alkaline cleaners and Teat dips on associated sections on the website
Ensure that you have the most up to date version of the COSHH Material Safety Data sheet of the chemical substance you are using from your Supplier before starting and see if they have carried out some sample COSHH assessments that you could use.
Remember, the first step to carrying out any COSHH assessment is to see if you can eliminate the need to use the substance altogether or seeing if you can substitute it for a safer alternative that is less hazardous to health. For example, less likely to cause corrosive burns or respiratory irritation.
Engineering solutions that include automated application methods and minimise the amount of handling are important considerations before thinking about what PPE to wear or training.
All risk assessments are required to be suitable and sufficient however we will be unable to verify that. Please contact your Regional Manager for more advice if required.
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