Professional Service
A contract through LKL provides the opportunity to share your staffing problems with professionals and gain from an expert viewpoint in recruitment and man management.
The cost of recruiting the sub-contract herdsman is covered in the annual contract price. Any further recruitment is also carried out free of charge. 350 plus herdspersons rely on LKL to find rewarding work in the farming industry.
Labour Supply
LKL undertake to guarantee the supply of labour. Therefore if the herdsperson is ill, leaves, or is unable to carry out his/her duties for any other reason, a relief person will be supplied by the company within the original contract price.
Working Standards
LKL operate to specific service standards in regard to the quality of work undertaken and indemnify the farmer within adequate financial limits against damage to his livestock or property caused by the proven negligence of the contract worker.
LKL's fixed price for the contract year enables the farmer to budget accurately and removes the hidden extras caused by National Insurance, sickness, holidays, overtime etc.
LKL licence the herdsperson's accommodation from the farmer and should the contract cease, it will be handed back to the farmer with vacant possession guaranteed. Should an eviction become necessary, LKL initiate the proceedings and pay the court costs. The farmer is also indemnified against any damage to the property, fair wear and tear excepted.
An LKL manager regularly visits the unit to review with the farmer that work is carried out to the expected standard already outlined in the schedule of services and agreed with the farmer. A meeting with the farmer and herdsperson is arranged by prior appointment
Special Points Of Interest
LKL's monthly newsletter and technical notes keep farmers informed about a variety of current topics in dairy farming which includes LKL's monthly results on some 120,000+ contracted cows. There is also a monthly competition for herdsman with prizes to be won.
LKL provide an independent costing system and our current 12 month rolling MOPF for all herds is all ahead of industry averages. See the costings section elsewhere on this site or visit
Find your next farm job through LKL. Our network of field-based managers, supported by a small team of specialists based at our Salisbury headquarters, are responsible for maintaining regular contact with farm owners and managers.